Welcome to BROOLED the one stop shop of BROOLED Ltd. All our websites that sell or create products and services are brought together under one umbrella BROOLED.
BROOLED does not show each and every item but offers a selection of items created or sold by the individual websites such as MWP-Design or PrideMug.
If you like to support independent marketers and stores then BROOLEd is the place to shop at. Many items are handmade at the BROOLED office and made to order. BROOLED also offers products from reputable companies such as Amway, Avon, Essens, Vorwerk at the moment and we might introduce more in the future. I also import other goods and services from abroad to offer on my website. BROOLED also has a cooperation with ALIBABA Group of companies and we offer selected products.
As this Website is my passion it is not really about making money it is to show off my passion for creating and deciding individual products people love and cherish along with selling high quality products that I believe are a great addition to your home and office.
BROOLED is not only one website. BROOLED is made up of several of my websites. MWP-Design where I create unique personalised gifts, business cards, stationery, Flyers and more. PrideMug is where I show off my pride related custom made products and ready made gifts. At PrideMug you can also use the online designer to design your own gifts. They are handmade and shipped directly to you. Thermomix-Consultant.co.uk is where you can see my Thermomix offers for the month and read more about the products and services from Vorwerk. In addition to all that, on the BROOLED website you also find my Amway and Essens offers that can be ordered straight at my Brooled website and while my active affiliate store can only sell to the UK when you order at BROOLED I am able to ship worldwide.
So now you know pretty much everything about BROOLED and why I started it and now it is up to you to shop or tell me what you think
Mark Pammesberger